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Commune was a hackathon project designed to help with community and collaboration within neighborhoods. 


My Role

This project was created for Swamphacks 2017. The hackathon took place over a weekend at the University of Florida.

I worked as the designer on a 2 person team to create an app that would help with community engagement and collaboration.​

Feature Selection

We decided to work on the theme of community building as an initial concept.

Through asking several participants at the hackathon, the prominent user needs fell mainly into a few different buckets, as shown here.

Journey Mapping

The journeys were broken down into 2 main types - people who wanted to do tasks and people who wanted tasks done. Along with this, it was necessary to ensure security and create incentives for task completion.

To achieve this, I used a simple points system. Users would start off with a small bank of points and earn more through performing tasks. Those points could then be spent on getting help for other tasks.


Wireframing and Prototyping

The prototype consisted of a few core features including a home screen, task creation splash screen, a task details page and a profile page.


For the overall style, I went with a friendly, curved aesthetic to match the tone of the app being one of helping and compassion.


The home screen has two tabs - one for viewing tasks you can help with, and the other for tasks you create.

By default, the user starts off seeing the list of active tasks, called Munes, that others have created.


Each task has a category that could be selected by a user at the time of task creation. The categories are color coded across the app for quick visual association.


For sensitive tasks that require some level of security, users can access the profiles of those they connected with to review their bio, history and ratings.

The project was an overall success, with quite a few commendations received from the judges and viewers of the hackathon.

The visual design was improved visually since then to the screens you see today, to give it a more modern look.

When a user chooses to do a task and is approved, they can chat with the task assigner directly through the app.

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